I guess everyone wants to have an insight into the author’s life. 

1. I am right hand guy

2. I can’t stand the sight, smell and taste of drugs.

3. I love dogs. My love for dogs is so extreme that I exhibit doglike traits like shaking off water from my ‘legs’ when I step out of a bathroom before towelling.

4. I am athletic and quiet flexible.

5. I am a workaholic

6. I rarely cry but when I do, I can go on for days. If someone or something ever got me crying, it means I felt hurt beyond words.

7. I am very relaxed and comfortable in dark rooms. Bright bulbs and extreme sunlight freaks me out.

8. I like okro soup as much as I like raw onions.

9. I am a very light sleeper. I sleep only at night.

10. Watching movies or series for long periods are my way of escaping issues bothering me. This is certainly hard to explain.

11. I am allergic to dust. Make me sneeze and cough all day

12. I am very good at drinking water. Still don’t know why.

13. Am a free thinker. I listen to people ideas and thoughts

14. I am still very good at keeping dates and record of my life,things and object

15.  My favourite food is beans with soft bread like crunchies Or shoprite

16. I don’t grow fat. I don’t age either. #TeamForeverYoung

17. I am a very shy person. It gets worse when I am around someone I like.

18. My favourite colour are white and black

19. I can’t stand cold food and I eat very slow. Just incase you find me eating a  meal  for 30mins someday, you better not think am weird.

20. I am a very careful and neat person. My adrenaline supply rate is slow. I don’t rush in to doing thing.

I hope I didn’t scare anyone? Do I have anything in common with you?

I would appreciate it if you tell me at least one random fact about yourself in the comment box so I stop feeling like the only odd one.

Thank you.

Kogwuonye patrick onyeka




  1. First, thanks for subscribing to my blog – I spend so much time with the squirrels when I walk at the Park, that people probably think I am weird, but the pain of losing my own pets was so great, that it is easier to “adopt” God’s critters and try not to grow so attached to them. I love nothing more than taking a walk in a park and enjoying the quiet and peace there … the older I get, the less I seem to tolerate noise and there are times when the Doberman in the corner house and his incessant barking just about sends me over the edge. Peace and quiet … I’m getting to be like Clint Eastwood “get off my lawn” … you think you may have peculiar traits – hey, we all have them, and, if we didn’t have them, it would be a very boring world.

    Liked by 2 people

    • wow, what a long piece and write up have, those are just a little random fact i know that are peculiar with me.
      ” I spend so much time with the squirrels ” like serious you walk with squirrels.
      how do you do that linda………..

      i will to know more about you….. i guess i have a friend like you. lolsssssssssssssssssssss


  2. I’m never shy
    I’m hardly able to remain angry for long except I’ve been hurt badly
    If I’m quiet it means something is wrong… 😂
    I love dogs.. Puppies cute ones though …ohhh and I’m too social for my liking 😂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow… Dogs are like human…i still wonder those people who eat dogs..
      I know jessy you never shy…so i believe..

      I kind of notice that in you any time you silent……….thats why sometime i do ask you anything wrong

      Again thanks jessica for the comment


  3. I. I am a very spiritual person, but hate formal religion and to this day (I’m 63) I still remember as a small child my Mother dragging me out of bed one Sunday and forcing my Father to change into his ‘good’ suit and take me to a different church (as I’d missed Sunday School and Church) at the usual dreaded one. To this day I feel uncomfortable going to a church for a wedding etc. And yet I can admire the beautiful ornate craftsmanship of a medieval cathedral.
    2.Being trained in herbal medicine and aromatherapy, I hate synthetic drugs, but have to take them for all the serious health conditions I’ve inherited from both sides of my family.
    3.I love the sound of silence and the sounds of nature. I sit in silence watching the birds and photographing them for hours on end.
    4.I have serious problems breathing in the dust and pollution of the city – I have acquired MCS.
    5.I was a workaholic and perfectionist. In early retirement I like nothing better than doing nothing and being in the Moment, listening to the wind whispering through the treetops, the sound of birdsong and the crash of waves upon the seashore.
    6 I am a very light sleeper and need the dreaded ‘drug’ to reach deep restful restorative sleep. But sometimes, alternative therapies work too.
    7. I also am a big water drinker. It’s the purity of hydrating on what’s free and readily available.
    8 My favourite colours and photography are black & white, but I do a lot of nature photography as it keeps me in touch with the rest of the world through the followers of my nature blog. (you just started following my B & W Blog and thank you for that).
    9.Last year I started a 3rd blog to record nothing but the colours of the sky and the clouds drifting by.
    10 I am excessively neat and tidy simply because it rests my senses to see calm and order in this chaotic world we live in (and to be honest, as a chronic pain/fatigue sufferer, it saves energy and housework).

    Liked by 2 people

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