We are blessed to be a blessing to others. Here are some simple ways to challenge yourself to do this:

Intentionally bless three people each week through words, gifts, or actions. Be creative. Here are some ideas:


  1. Spend some time with a friend who is having a rough week.


2. Help a neighbor with a project or chore using a hobby or personal interest.


3. Host a kid’s movie night with your  neigbour and their kids.


4. Drive an elderly or handicapped person to the grocery store or supermarket or church or mosque


5. Listen to someone who is going through a tough time, your listening might change his/her life



6. Pay for someone’s bill at the pump station


7. Have a game night (yard games outside (like football) or board games inside (like ludo, chess, draught)



8. Donate to the less privilege or downtrodden like in kinds or in money.


9. Find a way to make new relationships with the purpose of blessing others.


10. Invite a neighbor or friend to   join a personal or family meal.


Here is a question for those reading this articles;
What are some of your favorite ways to be a blessing to those around you?




 Written by:

Kogwuonye Patrick Onyeka


University of Benin




  1. Great ideas Patrick. For me, the way I feel I could be a blessing to others is by helping through volunteer work at my church or at a food/clothes pantry. I would like to volunteer even at a senior center one day

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great ideas about blessings. From your blogs i read, it shows me that you are a very sweet and sentimental person. Very cautious about every emotion that you feel and go though. You are also a deep thinker. Keep it up on your good work. You have the ability to inspire the hearts of others 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. God bless your soul Patrick, a beautiful and thoughtful Sunday Read.

    I like to be here to help my friends in any way I can. Though these past eighteen months they have helped me more than I can help in return. I find that to just be there to listen or read and respond to their messages at any time day or night is a little thing I can do in return

    . Saying a kind word or smiling to a stranger in the street or supermarket is also something I do. Before I become ill when I used to travel by bus to work, I would always speak to the person who seemed most lonely or sad, a lot of the time they just wanted to say hello to someone as apart from the bus driver they hadn’t seen anyone all week.

    Take care my new friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • hello, i do not get you, please did i say something that wrong you…
      am sorry dear… where did i say it.. let me know

      may be i may have type it to you wrongly

      they are much reply here….maybe i sent the wrong one to you

      Liked by 2 people

    • am really sorry,,,,,,am not like that ok….am the cool and kind person…i respect people belief and ways here, i do not act wrongly to people here.
      this place is a community where we share ideas.

      again am sorry……. the messge may be a wrong one to you.

      i just have a lot to reply here. so may i send it mistakely to you….

      because i didnt see what i send that made you upse ok

      forgive me for that ok dear growing

      Liked by 2 people

  4. This used to be my husband and I’s favorite hobby, helping people. We never had much but my husband is the kind to give the shirt off his back. He’s asked me not to go into the streets while he’s away for my safety. Now I look for ways to help the couple who have provided me with room and board and the children God has placed in my care.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Patrick – Firstly thanks for following me and for bringing your site to my attention. You are very inspirational.
    The above comments are wonderful, you have some truly kind followers. Unfortunately one person in particular stood out for the wrong reasons. People will see life through their own life experience filters, one will view a situation one way the other person could view it totally different. All I want to say is the way you responded was a massive credit to you, you came across as humble, kind and caring. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i apprecaite very much.

      Again i also thank you for accepting to follow me also by your comment.Again, i love what you just commented here as you statement goes””””Firstly thanks for following me and for bringing your site to my attention. You are very inspirational””””””

      Thanks for that..

      I believe in this statement you just said now…””””The above comments are wonderful, you have some truly kind followers”””””””
      They are always kind and they make inspire me also to write. I know i do all this to inspire them and again is not easy cracking brains to post. Am just a small writer here on wordpress and am surprise i have gone far by the daily comments i get.
      Again thanks for this statement which i value very well”””The above comments are wonderful, you have some truly kind followers”””

      secondly, you pointed something out here”””Unfortunately one person in particular stood out for the wrong reasons””””””
      The person misunderstood me,i know. I did my best to convince the person based on my kind of person.

      You welcomed Mr/Mrs kindness. You observed what happen. It shows how you took time to read all the comments on this post.

      Finally, you made my day by telling what i like and the truth about my post. I love that kind of statement “”””All I want to say is the way you responded was a massive credit to you, you came across as humble, kind and caring. Well done!”””””

      This statement ignite me to write more amd post more.

      A question for you Mr/Mrs kindness.
      How do you blessing those around you?


      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

      • Like most people I try to give as much love as possible to my immediate family. That love come in all shapes & sizes….time…support….friendship…..and of course the occasional ££. This year I want to spread that out more. Guess my blog will explain more. Glad I helped ignite your fire, keep up the good work.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying  back to me.

          Wow that is good. Giving little love and care to family quite good.

          It all start with the family first. That is a good way to bless. Keep it up Mr/Mrs kindness

          Am glad you said that “””””Glad I helped ignite your fire, keep up the good work””””””

          Am try to do my best to keep up the good work.

          You welcome also.

          Peace and Love

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Can I ask you a simple question

      What are your simple way you bless people around you?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

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