What do I really mean by having integrity…that’s the question here.
This clearly means what you hold up to.

what people around you see you as and your relationship with them,what you are known for,what speaks for you even in your absence, those attribute that just distinguishes you among the crowd.

Your integrity is your value towards life. Don’t just think being educated and having read all the books in life will guarantee you that spot as a man or woman of integrity in people’s eyes.

No it  won’t  if  you are not having anything reasonable apart from those certificate you have got. The essence of having integrity and a good one at that is to create you a class like a icon of your own. This is who you are and what you are known for.

If  You want to be known for causing 
chaos and troubles,or being irrelevant 
in people's life as the case may be 
then bravo you have got your own 
integrity too but just in the bad way.

So how do we relate with people around you without looking pompous or letting off standards…that’s the big question because we all want to keep our integrity intact.

Relating with people can be in various ways:

1. Seeing the reason for every relationship, every talk, every interaction and behaviour.




2. Define the people around you, be conscious of who is  who in your circle and know how best to relate with them.




3. Don’t go over blabbing about who you are all the time and then trying to cover up with humility, no it doesn’t work that way.




4. Be positive about your actions at all time, don’t be  ignorant of the young ones or people looking up to  you as a role model.Trust me they are keeping tabs/records
of your every move.





5. Relating with people is not how pretending  you get in being the nice guy or lady, it is how the expression  on your face tally with the emotions in your heart.

6. Don’t try to be who you are not and acting up appearances  to please people. You just have to rely on being yourself  at all time.





The real life doesn’t cause much trouble than the fake one. At then end of the day it make bad of  your integrity when these people find out you have been lying all along.

Your integrity is what will speak  for you when you are not there.

So today build up your integrity and live a fulfilling life.


Question for my followers and readers: 

Do you really practise integrity in all areas of life(work,family,place and society)



Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!



Written by: 

Kogwuonye Patrick Onyeka


University of Benin


    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      What is your own view about integrity?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Can I ask you a simple question.
      What are your view about integrity?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

      • INTEGRITY is quite a word. I put it simply this way, Integrity is what makes you who you are. No one gives and sets it for you but yourself. It is something that people value about you. It can either be seen through your actions and words towards them or your lifestyle per se. 😀

        Thank you for asking 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

          I so much like this you short definition you about integrity as I quote “””It is something that people value about you. It can either be seen through your actions and words towards them or your lifestyle per se.”””””

          Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

          Happy weekend 😍

          Peace and Love

          Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      You are totally welcome to PATRICKSTORIES 😍
      Love to ask you one simple question.

      What is your idea on integrity and people?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I absolutely agree with your point there, it is not only about bring educated. How you view others, how you present yourself. How you handle yourself in certain situations dose matter. Your morale and so many thiings. I also agree with you to the point having higher education and certificates dosent mean it all. There are certain things about your conduct and your thought and you. Just having a paper dosent ensure that attribute.
    That is how I define Integrity.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for replying  back to me.
      I guess i find your comment interesting and educative.

      Am in love with your first sentence, which I respect so much as as I quote “”””I absolutely agree with your point there, it is not only about bring educated.”””””

      I settled down to read your comment. Quite inspiring right now as I type to you.

      Your various examples you gave about integrity make me more interested in getting to read to the end. As I quote “””How you view others, how you present yourself. How you handle yourself in certain situations dose matter. Your morale and so many thiings.””””””

      I love that part when you said”””” how your present yourself”””

      Presenting one self to people’s matters a lot, especially the first time of coming in contact with that person.
      “””First impression matters slot””””

      Yeah integrity is not all about having
      Education and certificates. For me personally I do not count that at all.

      A kid can even have integrity than someone who acquire such high education and certificates.
      I so much love what you just said here about education and certificates.

      I PATRICK is in total agreement with that as I quote from your comment “”” I also agree with you to the point having higher education and certificates dosent mean it all.”””””

      I can conclude you are good at Inspiring people. Wow…. I reason this sentence with you totally as I quote “”””There are certain things about your conduct and your thought and you.””””””

      Yeah Mr About Thapa, Conduct and thought 💭 matters again in terms of integrity.Every human have there temperament(conduct and thought) towards something.

      Lol 😂 😂…..just smiling ☺
      Yeah, you just called it paper(cerificate).

      I guess you are good at making little jokes from no where. Literally all certificates are paper. I love this one as you said “”””Just having a paper dosent ensure that attribute.””””

      For me i have this little quote, “”integrity can’t be bought in market””

      Lastly you ended well by saying
      “”””That is how I define Integrity.”””””

      I really enjoyed such comment as I type and reply back to you now.

      Have a Happy Weekend

      Peace ✌ Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for commenting on this post.
      I appreciate that very much.
      Love to ask you one simple question.

      What is your own view about integrity?
      Does everybody integrity varies?

      Thanks again Mr Namra.

      Happy Weekend

      Peace and love

      Liked by 1 person

      • I always tried to be a good person. According to me, what you do to others will come to you.. A person who has integrity lives his or her values in relationships with family, friends and workplace.. Integrity without knowledge is useless.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying back to me.
          I guess you find my post interesting.

          I enjoy such comment as I reply back to you.
          This is where I enjoyed in your comment about your view on integrity as I quote””” A person who has integrity lives his or her values in relationships with family, friends and workplace.”””””

          Literally, having the knowledge of the kind of person you are and how to relate with people around you matters alot. So am I total agreement with what you said about integrity as I quote from your statement /comment”””Integrity without knowledge is useless.”””

          Thanks again for finding time to read and comment.

          Happy Weekend

          #peace and love

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post… To answer your question yeah, I do sometimes practice integrity … sometimes, not all times, but it’s a good thing to practice integrity but to munch salt can corrupt your food, if you get what I’m saying. But integrity it will always sets you free…


    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      What type of holding you saying about?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love


    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      If I say i didn’t like this comment I guess am lying to myself. I enjoyed every bit of this comment you just said about role model.

      Wow as I quote “””Good point about being at your best as you never know who thinks of you as a role model!”””

      I choose role model there for some reason. If you have to live a life time of integrity. You should become people rile model any where you go.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on INSPIRE and commented:
    * Integrity is vital : Because, if you lose that, you’ve lost everything!
    The Mind-set and Spirit of a Champion
    from a Google search (“my filing system”- thanks for rescuing me from “sheer utter chaos”, Big G!

    * (and by that I’m referring to both God and Google, but probably far more the first)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?
      What your view about integrity?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love


        • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.That really means a lot to me. After reading your comment I am really feeling blessed.

          Thank you so much for reading my post and for your nice words.

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 1 person

            • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.
              Your comment always   touches my heart. It is really great to know more about you.I think everyone can relate to your comment.

              Words are powerless to express my gratitude towards you, for reading my every post and for always leaving a thoughtful comment.

              Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

              Peace ✌and Love ❤


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