Good morning, everybody!

Pride!                         Pride!!                           Pride!!!

I feel like this can often conflict with what we are taught in society these days. Society tells us to have pride in our work, pride in our actions, and pride in our nation, pride in our kids, and pride in our achievements.

After much reading, I was able to get a concrete view about pride.

According to Wikipedia definition:

Pride is an inwardly directed emotional term that carries two (antithetical) meanings. 

1. With a negative connotation- Pride refers to a foolishly and irrationally corrupt sense of one’s personal value, status or accomplishments,used synonymously with hubris. In Judaism, pride is called the root of all evil.

A negative connotation of pride may look like this:

“”” when you are proud in your work, how will you be humble enough to try to improve? If you’re proud in your achievements, what is truly the motivation behind your actions?

If you’re prideful in your nation, how do you know if problems are arising, or not being solved?

Pride makes our hearts dull. It closes our ears to that conscience, and shuts our eyes against what is right. Swallowing that pride is what we need to do.”””

2. With a positive connotation- Pride refers to a humble and content sense of attachment toward one’s own or another’s choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging.

A positive connotation of pride may look like this:

While in college, as there is so much competition among peers, I’ve found myself taking pride in my own accomplishments, too. But, pride is blinding. We should take pride in our work, pride in our actions, and pride in our nation, pride in our kids, and pride in our achievement.


What I notice are the flaws in our pride when they are misplaced. So how do we go about distinguishing positive side of  Pride from negative side of  Pride?


  • You worked hard towards a goal and accomplished your goals.
  • Using pride to maintain a certain standard in the things you do.
  • You are proud of who you have become.
  • Not comparing oneself advantageously (and frequently unfairly) to others.
  • Authentic. It’s an accurate, realistic estimate of one’s abilities.
  • Those with healthy pride motivate and inspire others to take their lead and join them. 


    •  Letting you or your family/friends suffer because you do not want the help.
    • Using pride to put others down.
    • Measuring our achievements against someone else vs. our own previous performances.
    • Regularly bragging about their (often exaggerated) accomplishments.
    • Distorted claims about one’s capacities.
    • Call their-self “lord”  over others. They don’t want to share their successes, but rather do everything possible to make certain no one “trespasses” on them

Finally, misconception of Pride has to be noted, so we need to understand all this things.

Just a food for thought for this week.

If you could relate to this post and think others you know might also, please consider forwarding them its link.

I will like to ask a simple question  for my fellow readers and viewers.

    1. What is your own views and contributions on this articles?
    2. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘pride’?
    3. Are you a proud person?
    4. What achievement are you most proud of?
    5. Who are you most proud of?
    6. What do you take great pride in doing?
    7. When was the last time you were very proud of yourself?

  1. Do you think you were always a source of great pride for your parents?
  2. Do you think carefully about your actions to maintain your family pride?
  3. What do you do to restore your pride after it has been wounded?
  4. Do I know when my pride creeps up in my conversation? When am I most vulnerable to talk too much about myself?
  5. Do I have a sensible assessment of who I am? What are my gifts, skills, abilities and contributions to people around? How can I rethink  and transform my language to be less about me and more about others?
  6. Can I reduce my use of I, me, my and mine in conversations with man?

Please let me know all your reactions and insights in the comments below!

 Written by:

Kogwuonye Patrick Onyeka


University of Benin









  1. I also find Pride to be an interesting conundrum. Because I think we must learn how to, as you said, love ourselves and what we are doing, but to not let this get out of hand. There is Love in terms of a Beautiful Acknowledgement of Progress, and there can be Love because we are Prideful. One of your first statements about Pride being blinding is spot on! If I’m not Humble and Modest about myself and what I’m doing, I no longer have the vision to improve. This becomes so crucial.
    Thanks for sharing this, Kogwuonye!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.
      This is where I love most “”One of your first statements about Pride being blinding is spot on!””

      Am just happy now for this comment.
      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I got to learn something new from this post. I never really thought of this sincerely until now and it’s very true. I remember myself taking pride in some situations as well and I am so reminded how I need to soften my heart and humble myself even more in any achievement or progress. I love the lines ‘If you are prideful in your nation how will you know if the problem is arising or not being solved’, it’s More of and eye opener and I this this post needs to be read by many. I am sure every reader will have a thing to pick from here.
    This is the fist post I read today and guess it was a right way to start my day ☺️💕 Thank-you.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.Am happy for such response you gave to me  here.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a pleaure interacting with you. As I have gone through yourpost again and again,I could assess the purpose of your writing.However my feeling is as follows.(I mean my contribution to your post )
        1. Personally I feel,there is nothing wrong being proud of something or taking pride in something,as long as you are humble with humility at its best.
        2. Both pride and proud can be good or bad depending on how one applies their mind and for what purpose they are proud or take pride in.
        3. Regarding misconception about pride….Pride not necessarily be arrogant,instead i feel prejudice is dangerous.
        Thanks again for helping me to add to my knowledge pool.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for the reply. I appreciate that very much.

          Your beautiful words just ignite my happiness. Thank you so much for adding such magical drop of words in my jar of motivation.

          You answers and contribution  are well noted.

          This is what i love so much in your opinion about this post as i quote
          1. Personally I feel,there is nothing wrong being proud of something or taking pride in something,as long as you are humble with humility at its best.

          2. Both pride and proud can be good or bad depending on how one applies their mind and for what purpose they are proud or take pride in.

          Love how you contributed with a good manner about the pride post.
          Lastly I will check on that link OK.

          That is the true fact about it.Am happy for the response you gave to me.

          Lastly,I feel blessed by your response right now. Again such a beautiful way to contribute here on my post. Keep the vibes on.

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I do not do or say something to be proud of myself, I just do or say something because it needed to be done or said… 🙂

    “When we begin to build walls of prejudice, hatred, pride, and self-indulgence around ourselves, we are more surely imprisoned than any prisoner behind concrete walls and iron bars”. Mother Angelica

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Love this mother angelica quote “When we begin to build walls of prejudice, hatred, pride, and self-indulgence around ourselves, we are more surely imprisoned than any prisoner behind concrete walls and iron bars”.

      Am a fan of that quote, really quoted and noted. I have experience such things before. When I found I was at fault.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Patrick, I always love your word feeding my soul. It got me thinking. the English language doesn’t far enough limiting definition. If there is selfish pride can there be selfless pride? And what about love. In the English language, love is a single word. I the Greek language there are several words. The first is Agape, it’s that God loves perfect, not self-seeking. Eros, philia, and storge. In all thing s defined, duality. Light, dark. Good, evil. Love, lust.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Yeah, love has to supersede pride. Agape love is the best of all. I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.

      What is you contribution about this post?
      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 2 people

        • Thanks for replying  back to me.
          I really enjoyed such reply based on your own contribution.

          This what I like in your reply as I quote “”too much pride can have negative consequences””

          They are a lot consequences of it that the positive one.

          What is your final say now. Is pride good or not?

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for sharing such a reality…. Pride never goes with humility! So true, it blurs our heart and mind, causing us to see no other than ourselves as the ultimate. But often, there’s a thin line drawn between pride and self-confidence and appreciation.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.
      Your comment always   touches my heart. It is really great to know more about you.I think everyone can relate to your comment.

      Words are powerless to express my gratitude towards you, for reading my every post and for always leaving a thoughtful comment.

      Yeah…I love this part very well “”But often, there is a thin line drawn between pride and self confidence and appreciation””””
      That is very true.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. To me when I think of pride what comes to mind is when I was growing up. I was always told to take pride in my appearance. To take pride in my self-worth. To me pride is taking the time to love yourself. However, my mother had too much pride. She was too prideful to get us food stamps so we could eat properly. It’s like a double edge sword. If we take pride in our appearance we can feel better about ourselves maybe. We are loving ourselves. But too much pride is actually harmful or causes pain. We have to learn where to break the boundaries.

    Thank You for this post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.
      Your comment always   touches my heart. It is really great to know more about you.I think everyone can relate to your comment.

      Words are powerless to express my gratitude towards you, for reading my every post and for always leaving a thoughtful comment.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I totally agree with you…how can people improve in their work if they are proud??it can’t work..and well actually pride does harm a perfect relationship and I can relate so well to that .it happened to me and I lost the love of my life..I will soon post the story in my blog… Great blog…😊😊😊i really liked it

    Liked by 2 people

    • I just skimmed through your comment now 🙂 And I must say, you do write in a way that gives people a chance to think. Please keep the words coming, Antonio 🙂 Look forward to reading more of your comment from you.

      I know how you will feel about the love of your life. Just take it easy OK.
      Love your attitude toward me right now.
      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Patrick, thanks for following my blog. It is appreciated. Humility is a big subject and it looks different on different people. And I guess it doesn’t matter how it looks as long as we show respect to others and value their opinions.
    God bless and have a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.That really means a lot to me. After reading your comment I am really feeling blessed.

      Thank you so much for reading my post and for your nice words.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thank you Mrs, I am most honored by your kind sweet comment.

      Love to ask a simple question. What part of caring and sharing do you love most?

      I am also glad you enjoyed it while you read. Thank you a million…

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


      • “sharing and caring is all about showing love, not only for lovers, but also for anyone worth showing love to, show love to the poor and neglected in the streets and to anyone else.” Sharing & Caring is not for not just for the lovers which I agree with you about.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.
      What is you contribution about this post?

      What your view about pride and its misconception?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love


  9. I think it is possible to be proud of some things without it being detrimental. For example apologising after doing something wrong is a source of strength to be proud of, so long as that pride is discrete and self contained, not flaunted.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest opinion.
      I really appreciate and respect your opinion, no matter you agree with me or not.

      Thanks for the kind words.
      As I view it, what you said is equally impressive.

      This is the part I like in your comment:
      apologising after doing something wrong is a source of strength to be proud of, so long as that pride is discrete and self contained, not flaunted.

      I so much like that “” discrete and self contained””

      Keep it going.

      I am always touched when my sweet comment like this reach someone. Sincere thanks. What a good positive comment that can motivate one this evening.

      Happy Sunday

      Warm regards, Patrick

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  10. Nonsense. You should be proud to be prideful. It’s a shame to marginalize joy.

    Next emotion your likely to Malign is a sunny disposition. Next you’ll have us believe self love is deviant.

    Really, they pay you to share your thoughts on the nature of human emotions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response. Yes, I tend to be very logical with things and also, I don’t see the point of brooding over things for too long (maybe sometimes ;), when I can spend my energy trying to make things better.

      Sorry if you angry about the post( Really, they pay you to share your thoughts on the nature of human emotions.,) no problem.

      That is my blog and all my views are personally i don’t have to please you. ok

      Better yet, when I learn from my mistakes, I like to write a post which lets me process my thoughts in an organized useful way to my fellow readers/bloggers!:)

      Thanks for commenting my post
      I appreciate that very much.

      It shows your concern for such post.


      I still remain  the simple blogger…..

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate your time taken to comment on my post about PRIDE.

      As I view it, what you are doing is equally impressive( stories, music and being part of a musical subculter).

      What a good positive comment that can motivate one this morning


      Warm regards, Patrick

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you, Patrick, for these wise words. The world needs your thoughts—less pride, more love, thoughtfulness, acceptance of others,…. I look forward to your future posts. Thank you for following mine. Cindy, a novice blogger

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi

      Thank you. I am happy to see your comment. It gives me a thoughtful thinking and am  happy for that. That is always my intention to write a post that gives someone a creative thinking.

      I will check out yours very soon since you are a novice. Me too am also a novice.

      Love to ask you a simple question:

      1. What are the things you feel that should not be involve with pride?

      2. What are your advice to people about being prideful ?

      I will be waiting to see a nice and good response on the question put after you.

      Again, thanks for the comment FIATHTOFIGS



      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thanks for this wonderful comment on this post.

      Am touched by this comment and contribution.

      This blew my mind away.

      Thank you for taking the time to share these insightful words.

      You are welcome Mrs/Miss Rekha Sahay

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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