Over the time, i personally discovered that there is no  finish line in the race of life.Every body has different stages of living it.

What a life! Life is full of twists, turns, ups and downs, surprises and disappointments. Life offers each and everyone of us different opportunities and once an opportunity is lost, its gone forever.

Its up to us to patiently prepare, wait, recognise and utilize every opportunity that comes our way. We learn on the way.

The following are instances i used to judge on my view about the “don’t quite mindset” which i know i have used alot and it favours me alot. Every body have a time to make it. The instance are listed below:

  1. one person graduates @20yrs and struggle for the next 5yrs to get a job, another graduates @25yrs and gets a job immediately. 
  2. One can marry a virgin and wait for the next decade to have the blessing of Children, while another probably after series of abortions in her past becomes a mother immediately after marriage.
  3. A fellow becomes MD @25yrs and dies @55yrs, another MD @ 55yrs and lives to 90yrs.

Nobody has it all or knows it all. There is a reason why we all don’t fall at the same time, it’s so that when one is down, weak and discourage, the other who is strong can encourage and lift the other.

Although life is complicated, lets learn to go easy on ourselves.

Whatever trials, challenges and down times we face will surely come to pass. And we will be up and strong again to help those that are down around us.

NEVER LOSE HOPE…When the road gets tough have this mindset of don’t quit. we all have a story to tell someday.

May God bless your hustle.

Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

1. What are you contribution,opinion  and views about the Post?

2. Have you ever thought of quiting as your struggle for life?

Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!


Written by:

Kogwuonye Patrick Onyeka


University of Benin


Credited to :

Those who Struggle and also have the mindset of don’t quit.



  1. That’s nice! Mindset of Don’t quit.. no i never thought that! I am still working hard for getting through everything and reaching goals 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      Love to ask you a simple question–

      1. What are you contribution,opinion  and views about the post?

      2. Have you ever thought of quiting as your struggle for life?
      Love to see your reply.

      Thank again for showing interest in  my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Believe there are those that lack the patience to take the time to achieve their goals… they get upset and they quit before they reach the “finish line”… 🙂

    “No road is too long for him who advances slowly and does not hurry, and no attainment is beyond his reach who equips himself with patience to achieve it.” Jean de La Bruyere

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      I guess the comment was quite cool. You answered my question very well.

      Thank again for showing interest in  my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  3. Very thought provoking.
    Yes, the temptation to quit has crossed my mind many times whenever l come up against a block or hurdle. And l guess l am not alone in this. But it’s just a thought that offers itself. Well, l don’t go for it. “Quitters never win” is always close at the heels of that temptation. That spurs me on.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest opinion

      I really appreciate and respect your opinion.Because your opinion is valuable to me.
      I guess an inspired by that quote:

      ” Quitters never win” is always close at the heels of that temptation. ”

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post and again such a wonderful comment.

      Love to ask you a simple question–
      Have you ever thought of quiting as your struggle for life?

      Love to see your reply.

      Thank again for showing interest in  my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


        • I feel blessed and happy  by your reply and comment on this post right now.

          This reply made me smile and laugh. I guess i enjoyed such reply:
          “” it get hard sometimes and you fill running to a place no one knows you “”

          Lasty, thanks again for taking your time to answer me.

          You welcome.

          Enjoy the weekend.

          Peace ✌and Love ❤


  4. I love your post on “don’t quit” You are right. We have been told again and again; and we have said it again and again, the quitter never wins and the winner never quits. I like the examples you give to make your point. Bravo for a job well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Am the type who reads very inspired comment on my post. You comment  and explaination are quite OK about the post.

      Your beautiful words just made my day.
      I feel blessed by what you said at the begining of your comment as i quote:

      “”” the quitter never wins and the winner never quits “””

      Am touch by that quote. This applies to Our life.

      Love to ask a simple question.
      Have your ever felt like quiting in some hard part in your life?
      Love to see ykur reply.

      Thanks again for showing this little gesture on your comment.

      Keep the vibes on.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  5. Awesome post! You’re totally right.
    1. All of us have a different rhythm and we’re living according to it.
    2. Yes, I sometimes thought of quitting, but then I remembered that nothing can be achieved without some struggle and in this way I find my strength to go forward.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      Love to ask you a simple question–

      1. What are you contribution,opinion  and views about the post?

      2. Have you ever thought of quiting as your struggle for life?
      Love to see your reply.

      Thank again for showing interest in  my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  6. we often loose hope and sometimes it feels to quit but yes as you said every one has its own story to tell and live so their life are different from each other…nice one Patrick.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      Love to ask you a simple question–

      1. What are you contribution,opinion  and views about the post?

      2. Have you ever thought of quiting as your struggle for life?
      Love to see your reply.

      Thank again for showing interest in  my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post.

      Love to ask you a simple question–

      1. What are you contribution,opinion  and views about the post?

      2. Have you ever thought of quiting as your struggle for life?
      Love to see your reply.

      Thank again for showing interest in  my post.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Your beautiful comment and agreement to this post on my blog just made my evening.
      I found delight love in what you just said on my  post.

      I appreciate such opinion you have on this post.

      Again such a beautiful comment on this post.
      Keep the love on.

      Happy weekend

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  7. Quitters never win, and winners never quit! If you’re passing a struggling time, it’s fleeting. Have a mind that, “It’s going to be well.”

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Wonderfully written!💗 Yess I had made a decision to quit a couple of times but I’ve had a long struggle with self love and self acceptance after which I have come to believe that I’m unique and everybody else is taken💜 Love from Rageshree💗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the wonderful comment on this post. I appreciate that very much.

      Uniqueness ,self love and self acceptance all matters alot. Good illustration.

      Thanks again for such comment

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest opinion.
      I really appreciate and respect your opinion, no matter you agree with me or not.Because your opinion is always valuable to me.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Quiting is too easy. It is our struggles, our trials and failures that make us stronger, wiser, smarter. Have I thought about giving up? More times than I care to count. Why do I keep going? Because life has strengthen me. I keep going so that I can turn all the “You Can’ts, You Won’ts and You’ll Nevers” into- I can, I will, and Watch Me!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest opinion

      I really appreciate and respect your opinion, no matter you agree with me or not.Because your opinion is always valuable to me.

      Am happy for this point you just said here.
      As I quote from you:

      “””” It is our struggles, our trials and failures that make us stronger, wiser, smarter. “”””

      Am enlightened point this Sunday morning.

      As I went further in to reading, I just smiled and I saw something that moved me right now, which is this:

      “”” Why do I keep going? Because life has strengthen me. “””

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading my post. Am please by your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  10. The best thing about not quitting is sharing our live experiences with others. So that we may learn from and strengthen each other. As we have done here. I pray God continues to bless you! You are wise and that will take you far!
    Peace & Blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for replying back to me. Am happy for such. Thanks for the comment.

      You are such an interesting person to be with.I still remain  the simple blogger…..

      Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful comment on my blog.

      Such an awesome way of commenting on my blog. Thanks Again.

      Love to connect to you and we talk more about life

      For any information email

      Facebook name
      Engr kogwuonye patrick onyeka

      like my Facebook Page (patrickstories)

      follow me on instagram@ patrickstories

      Chat me up on whatsapp@ +2349038156756

      Editor: PATRICK

      You are welcome

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  11. “There is a reason why we all don’t fall at the same time, it’s so that when one is down, weak and discourage, the other who is strong can encourage and lift the other.”- I am in love with this line.😊

    Did I ever thought of quitting? Yes I do…probably a million times a year. But I guess that pretty much differentiates having thoughts of quitting and actually quitting.

    Because I never stopped pursing things that are actually worth the time and effort.

    I think its probably human nature to harbour such thoughts. But we have to tunnel through everything. We are meant to do something with our life so why quit?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful comment on this post.
      Your beautiful comment and agreement to this post on my blog just made my morning.

      Wow, am touched by these comment/saying right now. Here is the saying :

      “””” Did I ever thought of quitting? Yes I do probably a million times a year. But I guess that pretty much differentiates having thoughts of quitting and actually quitting. “”””

      Yeah I agree with that very much. They are two big difference between the thoughts of quitting and actually quitting.

      I found delight love in what you just said on my  post.

      Thanks for everything. Happy Tuesday Morning.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

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