



I was once beautiful, perfectly sculpted with gold clothing

My face clearer than the springs, smiles radiated from me

She greeted me naked, clothed, happy and I in turn showed her perfection

She was fulfilled and safe as was i, hidden from the faces of men

I stare into her soul as she does mine and innocence radiates

She was as pure as the sparkles from the diamonds

Then in the dark my back felt the crack as I kissed the ground

Slowly, painfully I could see the crack surface to my once perfect face

My glassy particles fell and her blood spilled

I was on the ground and she beside me barely clothed not by choice

My once beautifully sculpted back broken, her roses taken

I was broken and so was she

Our faces met, but darkness erupted

No more sparkles in her eyes, no more joy

Our secrets were taken from us by force

For the robber had stolen from us our purity and dignity

She put me back together, yet I am not whole for all I see is a hollow being


I was alive before the earth invited her

My body as large as the whale, and yet sturdy and sound

I watched her walk with four limbs and they good enough

Till maturity decided otherwise

She once crawled close to my feet and greeted me with a smile

I looked into her soul and peace radiated

Every morning I had greeted her with her father and mother

He gave her kisses and gave me neatness

She was my friend and I her confidant

Her father became too busy and my face too cloudy

He missed days, then weeks before his presence became another’s

Her mother broken , became engulfed by drunkenness

I was rejected by her and she sought refuge at tables

Little by little she became bigger and I smaller

Till she could no more bear the being she saw in me

Depression arrived and I was forgotten

She became larger than I and once she looked at me only shame radiated

Till she greeted me for the last time with a fist

Then I was shattered


I was not specially clothed but I was bought with love

She took me from the slick tongue for notes

I arrived her home because of her journey

She was beautiful and ready to leave her home

Love had reached out its tentacles to her and she held on

Little by little I saw the signs; he was not good enough I felt at my first glance

There was something dark in his eyes and I could tell

To the aisles they headed and she was sold to slavery

Days into the nuptial Bliss, was a peaceful miss

Beautiful face, bright eyes and nose

She was happy or so she thought

Weeks passed and the real monster surfaced

At first black circles became friends with her eyes

She’d try to cover it up, but I always saw even down to vulnerability

The broken lips surfaced , handprints followed then blood

I was horrified at the figure before me

She was no longer the sweet lady that brought me home

She’d look at me and cry ,I her and mourn

He came back and she healed but I knew better.

Hit ! Kick ! Hit someone was pounding I felt

Then followed the scream

She ran into our room and then I saw the monster in his full form

Hit! Kick !push and with that she landed on my face

She looked at me and I saw in her what I had never seen before Rage

We lay side by side while he left

She in a pool of blood and I surrounded by my pieces


I was her most prized possession, she made me glow

Her mother would tie her hair in front of me and she’d look at me and smile

Her eyes were filled with love, it was more than a brown stream

We were the only ones in our kingdom as her father had left us in a coffin

Her mother sought the best for her and sometimes forgot who she was toiling for after all

Loneliness slapped us in the face and soon she spoke

Her mother pained, decided a little help was needed

The neighbour !

A week after he was ushered in and gave her the attention she needed

She always told how good he was and I did see truth to it

She showed me gifts and expressed her warmth and I saw that she had seen a father in him

Today she stormed in tear eyed, confused and scared

There was something she was not telling and I was her confidant

Moments after he followed with gifts ,but I thought he was forbade from entering our room

He begged like his life depended on it, then I noticed her limping

She was horrified and I confused.

Love had become fear in a matter of hours

She held her up and spoke harshly, she was never to mention to anyone he said

She fell and whimpered and he left

She crawled to me and looked at me with disgust

She pulled of her skirt, then saw I marks in the forbidden area

Blood!! Marks! Pain

I now understood what had happened

She shrieked away from me like I repelled her

Or was it who she saw in me that drove her away

For thirteen years I was her Friend but now she loathed me

I saw her cry and I died within me

When she arose she picked up the vase

And with a hard throw my body cracked and let out pieces

I was betrayed and she violated

She took a piece of me and sliced her wrists and I lay helplessly

As the blood bid her veins farewell

“Mother be on time” she whispered and with that she slept

Written by:


michael okpara university
Department of biochemistry


THE FOUR BROKEN MIRRORS is a tale that tends to justify the women Fate which extends its mysterious manipulation using the broken mirrors. Here the writer was passing a message of rape, suicide,blood,death,rage, love turned sour and all its mess.

1.The Golden mirror (RAPE)

Most times women and ladies are victims of a robbery gone bad.

When the thieves don’t find valuables to take, the rape their female victims.This does not only happen in Nigeria but the whole world.Rape is a deadly form of abuse that affects the victim psychologically, emotionally, physically and even socially.The mirror tells the tale of a young lady full of life and bright till she’s faced with the trauma of rape.

2.The Wooden mirror(DEPRESSION)

Here in the tales of the wooden mirror,The child who used to enjoy a loving family is shattered by her parent’s divorce.She is depressed and fights it by eating a lot. Sometimes broken marriages affect the children more,which is why parents should always pay attention to their kids in such situations.Anyone going through difficult situations should learn to speak up,depression is a disease and should be treated as such.Here in the tales of the wooden mirror.

3.The Plastic mirror(ABUSIVE MARRIAGE)

Abusive marriages have been one err in the society that has brought many women to their early graves.Before tying the knot with any man make sure you look out for such signs.’ Is he hot tempered? ‘ Did he hit you while you were dating? or during courtship?

Don’t blow any signs off ,open up to people. When you find yourself in such situations as a lady please open to people, do not conceal your agony .

4.The Silver mirror(MOLESTATION)

Here in the tales of the wooden mirror,This tells of neglect on the part of the children. Here the writer is talking about molestation. Every parent should always make time for their children.Do not let work consume you and never leave your children in the hands of other people. The world is becoming evil ,uncles and other family members can also form one of this abusive behaviour on your child.Teach your children to speak up when someone does anything to them ,As a parent you should be their number one confidant.

Children(girls) within the age range of 6-15 have been constant victims of child molestation. It is our duty as women to curb that.

Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

Credited to :

Women who fight depression, molestation and thrive to be self independent, and to all feminist


Facebook@ Nwagbara Michelle Nwaonu

Instagram@ NwagbaraMichelle

Email @ michellelittlenmm24@gmail.com

Writer@ Purple-ng.com/Michelle



    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • This Michelle is a great writer…
        Each of the mirrors had a sad tale as their connection…

        The plot she developed was so superb…
        4 different stories fused into one..

        Her messages were not to be typed in full, from the pictures you painted I could see pains, rape, suicide, blood, death, rage, love turn sour and all its mess…

        Liked by 3 people

        • Fantastic and  amazing reply to the question put before you. Just short and straight forward.

          I guess you did a good analysis of the poem.

          You are such a phenomenal person with such incredible analysis about the poem.

          Am so glad you commented on it.

          I so much love this part where you said:

          “”” Her messages were not to be typed in full, from the pictures you painted I could see pains, rape, suicide, blood, death, rage, love turn sour and all its mess “”””””

          Am highly motivated this morning for such comment on my blog.

          I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day Mr Vinx

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 3 people

        • Thank you so much for replying me and for leaving such an honest reply. Am most grateful for that.

          I will be happy if you answer it. I know your answers to such question we enlightened the readers here about women. Thanks again Mr bruin9

          I know you will have an awesome answers to it.

          Thanks for your comment.

          Happy new month

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 2 people

          • The first woman- a victim of a thief, who invaded her space and claimed her family’s possessions for himself, then claimed her body. The second woman-a victim of her parents’ pride, regarded as little more than an appendage. The third woman- a victim of a man who loathed himself, and thus regarded any woman who loved him as a convenient target. The fourth woman- a victim of a man who regarded children, even his own relatives, as mere toys. Each woman is a mirror herself, a reflection of just how little many people regard others, especially women. In turn, this is a reflection of how little the person regards self. Such is the end result of a human race that does not see itself as the noble creatures who were put here by God, Himself.

            Liked by 2 people

            • I just went through your post and the word you used are wow. And I must say, it really cool, it gives people a chance to think about women in the society based on the 4 broken mirrors.

              Fantastic and  amazing reply to the question put before you. Just short and straight forward.

              I guess you did a good and personal analysis of the poem.

              You are such a phenomenal person with such incredible analysis about the tales/post.

              I love how you explain each tales and connect it to the society, am so much perplexed by this description on the broken mirrors that you did.

              1. The first woman- a victim of a thief.

              2. The second woman-a victim of her parents pride,

              3. The third woman – a victim of a man who loathed himself

              4. The fourth woman – a victim of a man who regarded children

              Am so glad you took your time to read, study and to comment on it.

              Please keep the motivational word coming.

              I so much love this part where you said:
              “””””’ Such is the end result of a human race that does not see itself as the noble creatures who were put here by God, Himself. “””””

              Thank you so much for adding an inspired words to me this morning.

              Am highly motivated this morning for such comment on my blog.
              I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day Mr bruin9

              Happy Sunday Sir.

              Peace ✌and Love ❤

              Liked by 2 people

  1. The four women are a testimony to the fact that society is like the mirror, broken… and needs to be repaired… unfortunately there are far too many who are closed minded, thinking of only themselves, but there is hope for I believe that change is in the winds.. … 🙂

    “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Barack Obama

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2.. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society.

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the way the stories are told. The imagery is great. The feeling raw and true.
    My thoughts on your questions:
    1. These incidents can happen to any one, any where at any time. Our images of ourselves get shattered (as the mirrors) when these things happen. Hope can be lost.
    2. For me, the views indicate fear and oppression. These women don’t believe these are topics they can/should discuss.
    3. Society still portrays these things as issues to be silent about; not allowing for openness and discussion. Shame is a strong, overwhelming emotion that envelopes the person. The internal battles can be equally devastating as the act itself. As a society it is easier to turn away than to acknowledge the existence of such deplorable behavior.

    Thank you for such a thought provoking post.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Fantastic and  amazing comment on this post.

      I most delighted for seeing such a wonderful and thought provocating comment.

      As I read through your comment. Am please for seeing the answers to the questions I asked you.

      I guess you did a good analysis of the tales

      You are such a phenomenal person with such incredible comment about the tales.

      Am so glad you commented on it.

      I so much love this comment.

      Am highly motivated this morning for such words and encouragement on my blog.

      I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day Mr/Mrs ktites


      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I was a bit shocked when I read it. But it is very well written. Very sad and depressing. Really demonstrates how tormented people can become and I actually like how you wrote it from the mirror’s perspective.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest and critical comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. . What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment. MissRue

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      • If by views, you mean the perspective of the four women, I would say the first two were looking for ways to vent their frustration and anger as they didn’t have anyone to talk to or anyone to help them. With the last one, that would be a very shattering experience that she went through, and I guess she thought the only way out was to kill herself. Not sure about the third one.
        You missed question #2 (you went from #1 to #3).
        Or they were scared to talk to anyone, afraid they would not understand, afraid of rejection.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful reply and answer on the question I asked you. Am happy for that.

          Your beautiful reply and agreement to this post on my blog just made my afternoon.

          Sorry OK. I made mistake in the numbering.

          Thanks for everything and for calling my attention on it. Ok

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 3 people

  4. This is a very thought invoking post.
    I did read your 3 questions…
    And my answer is
    Q1. All the four incidents somehow link to pain and suffering and grief invoking and damage done to those involved…
    Q 2. Women involved in these 4 tales represented as victims either of a rape or a broken family, or chained in an abusive relationship, or molested when they were young…

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks for the nice comment. I appreciate that very much.

      This is one of the challenges faced by women. I was able to analyze it using the mirror because i shows the reflection of what these women/girls pass through.

      All these atrocities committed by those involves in such cases requires attention from the government to agitate for them.

      Am happy you did a comment on it. I appreciate that very much.

      I love how you put the question 2 answer, I love these part:

      “”””‘ Women involved in these 4 tales represented as victims either of a rape or a broken family, or chained in an abusive relationship, or molested when they were young… “”””

      You welcome to my humble blog again.

      I still remain  the simple blogger…..

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response.

      Your beautiful comment and agreement to this post on my blog just made my evening.
      I found delight love in what you just said on my  post.

      Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

      1. Have you felt and connected this poem to any woman in the society.

      2. Is it a good idea for society to decide there fate?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see you thoughtful reply and answer on the question put before you.

      Lastly, I will check on your post. And also click on the links. OK thanks

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  5. So interesting thanks for finding me . It is commendable that you put broken family down – next to things that are so much worse. I think that’s the problem in America that people don’t realize how hard a broken family is. Women also fall into the category of more than one of your mirrors.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think the broken mirrors are a reflection of what the society looks like today. The first woman was a reflection of the mind of a criminal who not only took away her family’s possessions but also stole her virtue. The second a reflection of the minds of parents who consider their children an investment that’ll pay up in due time. The third a reflection of the mind of her husband who loathes himself and takes out his anger on his wife. The fourth a man who regards his children as mere toys. This article just shows the mind set of people and their effects on other lives.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Am really sorry for the late response to your comment.
          Just be busy all this while.

          I just skimmed through your reply to the question put after you. And I must say, it really cool as you said.

          As I read through I was able to deduce and read 4 notable point in your comment that touch me as I read through your own contribution on this poem.

          This point are according to what you said in your comment. As I proceed in to it, I will back up this pont with my own contribution in relation to the poem/tales


          Let start off with;

          POINT 1:

          The first woman was a reflection of the mind of a criminal who not only took away her family’s possessions but also stole her virtue.

          From the first point, The Golden mirror can be related to RAPE and other sexaul abuses.

          I will make reference to Nigeria as example in my reply to you.

          Here is a popular newspaper agency called VANGUARD. That was able to talk about rape in Nigeria and the society at large.

          As I quote from one of the writings in the publish news about rape.

          “”””‘ In Nigeria, there are no accurate statistics for rape cases. We can excuse this, as even economic policies are drafted without correct statistics. This has not taken away the fact that rape is endemic in the country. We can recollect the infamous gang rape story that came out from a south east university sometimes ago. Do we know how many house maids are regularly raped by their employers? Or how many students are raped in universities? To be honest, rape over the years has become part of the workings in the Nigeria systems. Various governments have turned blind eyes to it and pretend it is nothing that calls for urgent attention. The executive and judiciary arms of governments have not done anything historic.

          Rape is a serious issue that needs urgent attention of every reasonable man and woman. Human beings are created to be reasonable and rational, but atrocities, such as rape has indicated otherwise. If being reasonable is a demand of living, rather than increase, rape figures should be nosediving. One therefore wonders if we are losing the war on sensibility. The rise in rapes cases clearly suggests that some men and women rather than use their brains prefer to be controlled by their emotions. And in doing this, they cause discomfort to other people. “”””””

          For further prove here is a link to the articles published on rape

          POINT 2:

          The second a reflection of the minds of parents who consider their children an investment that’ll pay up in due time.

          I love this part of your contribution based on your own view.
          For me I titled it -The Wooden mirror(DEPRESSION).

          Other Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children includes;

          1. Divorce May Increase the Risk for Mental Health Problems

          2.Divorce May Affect Academic Performance

          3.Children With Divorced Parents Are More Likely to Take Risks.

          POINT 3 :

          The third a reflection of the mind of her husband who loathes himself and takes out his anger on his wife.

          So I was able to call this Plastic mirror as ABUSIVE MARRIAGE.

          Here abusive marriage is classified under Psychological abuse.

          From Wikipedia; Psychological abuse (also referred to as psychological violence, emotional abuse, or mental abuse) is a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another person to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. It is often associated with situations of power imbalance in abusive relationships, and can include bullying, gaslighting, and abuse in the workplace.[2][3] It also may be perpetrated by persons conducting torture, other violence, acute or prolonged human rights abuse, particularly without legal redress such as detention without trial, false accusations, false convictions and extreme defamation such as where perpetrated by state and media.

          The victim may experience severe psychological effects. This would involve the tactics of brainwashing, which can fall under psychological abuse as well, but emotional abuse consists of the manipulation of the victim’s emotions. The victim may feel their emotions are being affected by the abuser to such an extent that the victim may no longer recognize their own feelings regarding the issues the abuser is trying to control. The result is the victim’s self-concept and independence are systematically taken away.

          Here is a link to the article on it for further understanding.


          POINT 4:
          The fourth a man who regards his children(girl) as mere toys.

          Am touched by your contribution on this last one.

          I was able to termed mine as
          The Silver mirror(MOLESTATION)

          I will narrow this molestation in terms of a child been molest. Here the child molestation can also be called child abuse.

          According to Wikipedia:

          “”””” Child sexual abuse, also called child molestation, is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. “”””

          The effects of child sexual abuse can include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder,anxiety, complex post-traumatic stress disorder,propensity to further victimization in adulthood,and physical injury to the child, among other problems. Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest.

          Here is a link to the article on it for further understanding.


          Thanks for responding back. I appreciate your views on this post Mr Mimma.

          You reply and contributions are well noted. Am happy for that.

          Please keep the words coming Mrs Mimma

          Look forward to seeing more inspired comment and reply from you.

          Thank you so much for adding a little inspired word to me this AFTERNOON


          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  6. This was such a deep and thought-provoking poem. It is a shame we live in a world where half the population is 30% likely to go through some sort of sexual assault. Hopefully, the future will be brighter than the darkness we face today.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for nominating me. I appreciate your kind gesture.

      Am glad you nominated me.

      Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to people in generally.

      Under this post about a women.I will love to see your comment.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      • These four poems, I do believe, ecapsate the miseries and troubles of women quite perfectly. It is absolutely correct when the authors say that children, especially girls, should be kept away from mentally traumatising instances. Girls should indeed be taught to be aware of their surroundings at all times, and take action when necessary. But I do think that the problems don’t end there. Humans live in a well-civilised society and should act accordingly. Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. Teaching people to be civilised and warning them against such crimes is a must. I’ve seen many a time people asking girls to dress in a certain way or not go out during the nights, which takes away her independence and forces her to stay confined within the walls of her room, due to the cruelty of some rogue men. Instead of doing so, we should educate the people and have strict rules imposed, ensuring the girls’ freedom…

        Liked by 2 people

        • Am really sorry for the late response to your comment.
          Just be busy all this while.

          I read through your response to the question put after you. And I must say, it really cool as you said.

          As I read through I was able to deduce some notable point in your comment that touch me as I read through your own contribution on this poem.

          These point are like precautions/advice to the society base on the case of sexaul abuse.

          This point are according to what you said in your comment. As I proceed in to it.

          1. Girls should indeed be taught to be aware of their surroundings at all times, and take action when necessary.

          2. Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. Teaching people to be civilised and warning them against such crimes is a must.

          3.We should educate the people and have strict rules imposed, ensuring the girls’ freedom.

          Considering the above point/advice I guess our girls safety are ensured.

          Thanks for responding back. I appreciate your views on this post Miss AmbitiousIntrovert(The Introspective Scribbler)

          You reply and contributions are well noted. Am happy for that.

          Please keep the words coming Miss AmbitiousIntrovert(The Introspective Scribbler)

          Look forward to seeing more inspired comment and reply from you.

          Thank you so much for adding a little inspired word to me this AFTERNOON


          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 2 people

            • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response.
              Your beautiful comment and agreement to this post on my blog just made my morning
              I found delight love in what you just said on my  post.

              Your views and contribution on the post is noted here.

              Thanks one more time.

              You welcome

              Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • You welcome.
      Thanks for the response.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      2. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  7. Heavy truths that reflect differently depending on who is looking in the mirror. We often tend to see what we want to see even when we know what we see isn’t quite right. These tells surround us yet keep so many people broken.. broken on both sides of the mirror. So much that you conveyed with each. I truly hope the viewers of this post break the mirror of what that “choose to see” and look into reality and do what can be done to help, even if that means fixing the brokenness of self. Heavy cycle, heavy cycle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response.
      Your beautiful comment and agreement to this post on my blog just made my morning
      I found delight love in what you just said on my  post.

      Can i say am touch by this comment. This blew me away. Thank you for taking the time to share your contributions/personal opinion on the post. Again am touched by these reflective words you put in to writing on the comment box.

      These reflective words are painted in truth, experience and perspective.

      I especially love how you started it (Heavy truths that reflect differently depending on who is looking in the mirror.) and how you ended the comment (look into reality and do what can be done to help, even if that means fixing the brokenness of self. Heavy cycle, heavy cycle. )

      Beautifully written and as I read through again on each line I was amazed . Each word you used are true and reflective of my personal encounter with people .

      This produced a smile on my tired face after a long day. You’re appreciated.

      You are welcome

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response.
          Your beautiful comment and agreement to this post on my blog just made my morning
          I found delight love in what you just said on my  post.

          Your views and contribution on the post is noted here.

          Thanks one more time.

          You welcome

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


  8. Wonderful post, the way you described four different issues rape, suicide, death, pain. Sad fate for that women. This is truth of society which you penned in the wonderful way. I wish all these awful circumstances to vanish from this earth and all women live beautiful life without such fate.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful response.
      Your beautiful comment and agreement to this post on my blog just made my morning
      I found delight love in what you just said on my  post.

      Can i say am touch by this comment. This blew me away. Thank you for taking the time to share your contributions/personal opinion on the post. Again am touched by these reflective words you put in to writing on the comment box.

      Reading towards the end I saw something which I normally wish for in my heart as I quote:

      “””’ I wish all these awful circumstances to vanish from this earth and all women live beautiful life without such fate. “””””

      Checking on the answers to the put before you . you answered 2. Remaining the last one which goes like this

      How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment for the other two(2)

      This produced a smile on my tired face after a long day. You’re appreciated for that.

      Thanks Mrs positive side of the coin

      You are welcome

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.
      Am glad you like it very well. Am just a simple blogger trying to reach out to women in generally.

      Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

      How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      I will love to see your awesome reply.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Well its a very difficult question actually. All these relate to oppression, lack of empathy and its impact. And attimes they are gender independent. We need to fight them as much as we can, in the outside world and inside ourselves. Somethings I rather not say in open comment section, specially as they relate to my own experience. But you are doing a great job in spreading awareness and trying to fight them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi

      Thank you. I am happy to see your reply to the question put before you..It gives me a thoughtful thinking and am  happy for that.

      In reference to your answer, I totally agree and support what you said in your comment section.

      As I went further I read and understand your pain about it ( All these relate to oppression, lack of empathy and its impact)

      Thanks for the compliment (
      But you are doing a great job in spreading awareness and trying to fight them)

      I really appreciate you time and effort in sharing your own side of the contribution on the post.

      You welcome Mrs/Miss little


      From PATRICK

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  10. There is a place where broken mirrors go
    Where radiant light so gold does glow
    And as the healing tears do flow
    The heart begins to really know

    A Healing Power Begins to Show
    It Starts off High but Reaches Low
    It Starts to fall like Healing Snow
    From top of head to little Toe

    Five Healing Verses All Aglow
    Breath of Mighty Healing Blow
    Shattered Glass Now Soft Like Dough
    Its Growing Like an Embryo

    And Walls Fall Down At Jericho
    And Devils Flee to Hell They Go
    Harm Abated Good Does Grow
    May Lord’s Protection Now Bestow

    The Very Perfect Ratio
    Ever More or Time Ago
    There’s No Power or Might but HIS You Know

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the comment.
      I appreciate that very much. Taking your time to compose and comment.

      I feel blessed by your comment right now.

      I found delight love in what you just wrote. Am happy right now.

      A wonderful and interesting poem.

      The other part was that you didn’t answer the questions put after you in the post.

      The following questions was asked about the poem. I could like you to give me your own contribution/view on it.

      Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      We be happy if all the questions are answered according to your own views about the poem.

      Enjoy. Happy Thursday morning

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. This was something very different and yet perfectly related to. The choice of words and metaphors is wonderful and makes everything seem so realistic. The way how women in this society are treated and grief-stricken is completely and beautifully portrayed. I could feel my eyes moisten while reading some lines. What a masterpiece!! Kudos to you!! 🙌

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh am touch by this comment. This blew me away. Thank you for taking the time to share these contribution/views through these words in your comment.

      These words you said in your comment are painted in truth, experience and perspective. I especially love how you started it
      (The choice of words and metaphors is wonderful and makes everything seem so realistic.)
      and how you ended the comment (I could feel my eyes moisten while reading some lines. What a masterpiece!!)

      Beautifully written and as I read through again on each line I was amazed . Each word you used are true and reflective of my personal encounter with people(especially women)

      This produced a smile on my tired face after a long day. You’re appreciated.

      Thanks for that kind words(Kudos to you!!)

      You are welcome

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  12. I really loved this piece. Though quite intense, it shed light on the fate of most women in the society. The mirrors being personified as a watching being is quite unique. But the truth is the issue of violence, rape and molestation can never be over emphasized. Women are the greatest pillars of society, yet they are being pulled down to dusts. Although sometimes, the strongest women have the worst histories, not every woman has the opportunity to bounce back from such devastation. The mirror not only reflects hidden truth but does so in a time line. Time heals all injury….but sometimes it doesn’t heal fast enough.

    Great work!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful comment.

      Such an awesome way of commenting on a post.

      As I critically read through your comment, I was able to pick out 2 points that touched me about your comment on this post.

      I so much like this part in the your comment as I bring out the points below;

      1. Women are the greatest pillars of society, yet they are being pulled down to dusts.

      2. The strongest women have the worst histories, not every woman has the opportunity to bounce back from such devastation(violence, rape and molestation )

      Personal view on these 2 points:

      1. Women are the greatest pillars of society, yet they are being pulled down to dusts.

      After reading this contribution/view on this post.

      Putting women down to the dust, shows that women don’t have values and this lead to gender role perception which the society still practise.

      As an individual who support GENDER EQUALITY and agitate for human right.

      Here is a personal quote I made concerning male dominance and feminist.

      PatrickStories Quotes

      “””” I was brought up by a mother who inculcated in me a deep respect for women. I believe that the inequality that women have faced through the centuries and today as well is a failure of all societies, and especially the mindset of male patriarchy. I cannot call myself anything other than a person who believes strongly in justice and gender-rights for women everywhere. It would be arrogant of me to call myself a feminist, though I believe strongly in the cause of the emancipation of women in all societies that repress women and pursue the same practices of male domination. “”””””

      Am touched by this contribution ( Women are the greatest pillars of society, yet they are being pulled down to dusts.)

      You gave me an insight in reading again about gender role said by our own popular FEMINIST Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi.

      I have to back it up with some contribution from our own popular FEMINIST Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi

      According to her popular literature book “””. We Should all be feminist “””

      She says :

      ———–Men and women are different. We have different hormones and different sexual organs and different biological abilities— women can have babies, men cannot. Men have more
      testosterone and are, in general, physically stronger than women. There are slightly
      more women than men in the world—52 percent of the world’s population is female but most of the positions of power and prestige are occupied by men. The late Kenyan
      Nobel peace laureate Wangari Maathai put it simply and well when she said, the higher you go, the fewer women there are.

      So in a literal way, men rule the world. This made sense thousand years ago.
      Because human beings lived then in a world in which physical strength was the most
      important attribute for survival; the physically stronger person was more likely to lead.
      And men in general are physically stronger. (There are of course many exceptions.)
      Today, we live in a vastly different world. The person more qualified to lead is not the
      physically stronger person. It is the more intelligent, the more knowledgeable, the more
      creative, more innovative. And there are no hormones for those attributes. A man is as
      likely as a woman to be intelligent, innovative, creative. We have evolved. But our
      ideas of gender have not evolved very much————-

      2. The strongest women have the worst histories, not every woman has the opportunity to bounce back from such devastation(violence, rape and molestation )

      Checking the point 2 I stated earlier. I was able to relate to a personal quote I made earlier this year concerning assault.

      Here is the quote:
      PatrickStories Quotes

      “”””” I hate when society subject people to a particular assault or being grouped as “women and children” while there are lots of things that show that they have quality features to make as valuable as a strong individual, not being grouped as weak because they are female. Maybe physically, intellectually, etc. “””””””

      I have to back it up with some contribution from our own popular FEMINIST Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi

      According to her she was sexually abuse at 17 when she was about publicizing her first book.

      Here is her confession:

      “”””” He was pleasant, avuncular, warm, and then he got up from his desk and walked around to where I was seated and stood behind me, and in a move that was as swift as it was shocking he slipped his hand under my button down shirt, under my bra and squeezed my breast. I was so taken aback that I did nothing for seconds. Then I pushed his hand away but gently, nicely, because I didn’t want to offend him.

      Later that day I broke into a rash on my chest, my neck, my face. As thought my body were recoiling. As though my body were saying what my lips had not said. I felt a deep loathing for that man and for what he did.

      I felt as if I didn’t matter, as if my body existed merely as a thing to be done with as he wanted, yet I told no one about it and I kept talking to him, being polite, hoping he would help with my book. “”””

      Here is a link to the site where I got her confession for more clarification.

      Here is the link:

      Going further most of these woman experience :

      1. Psychology pain
      2. Emotional pain.

      So it take a strong woman(Renowned Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) like her to bounce back from such devastation(violence, rape and molestation )

      This was an interesting and well written comment on my post.

      Thanks for bringing it to a wider platform to encourage women who are reading this post and comment.

      I love your views and contribution on the post.
      Am excited by your comment. 🙂

      Thanks again for using this kind words -Great work!!!-

      Good one Mrs/Mrs Peace Okei

      Well, keep the vibes flowing.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for the comment.
      I appreciate that very much. Taking your time to compose and comment.

      I feel blessed by your comment right now.

      I found delight love in what you just wrote. Am happy right now.

      A wonderful and interesting poem.

      The other part was that you didn’t answer the questions put after you in the post.

      The following questions was asked about the poem. I could like you to give me your own contribution/view on it.

      Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      We be happy if all the questions are answered according to your own views about the poem.

      Enjoy. Happy Thursday morning

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thanks for the comment.
      I appreciate that very much. Taking your time to compose and comment.

      I feel blessed by your comment right now.

      I found delight love in what you just wrote. Am happy right now.

      A wonderful and interesting poem.

      The other part was that you didn’t answer the questions put after you in the post.

      The following questions was asked about the poem. I could like you to give me your own contribution/view on it.

      Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      We be happy if all the questions are answered according to your own views about the poem.

      Enjoy. Happy Thursday morning

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  13. It’s a wonderful story, and I like how the mirrors symbolized each girl: broken. All mirrors witnessed the cruel happenings which also needs to be witnessed by the whole world, so as to stop these situations.

    After I saw the description below the story (the four numbered explanations), I had no choice but to reread the whole story again to grasp a clear understanding of what really happened. Tackling about rape, abuse, molestation etc, is a very sensitive topic for others, but the story was able to portray these things in a creative way. Heck, some young girls were too innocent, they didn’t even know what really happened. Some of them experienced it at a very young age. Some of them were traumatized, they would soon forget. I may have felt something like this when I was in elementary, but never did it became a bother because I soon forgot (not because I was traumatized or something, but just because it happened a long time ago, and a conversation with someone triggered the memory, and now I’m thinking about it).

    I know people who have experienced this, and certainly, the title is “Fate of Women”, but this shouldn’t be our fate. Every woman should never experience something like this. This is an eye opener. Thanks for writing this!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Am the type who reads short comment.

      Checking your long comment on the post, show how passionate you are.

      I have to read again and again. Before replying you and making my own view about it.
      You comment and explanation are quite OK.

      Going further in to the comment. I was touched by your childhood experience of such act which you said in your comment.

      I really appreciate that time you used in explaining it as you said in your comment as I quote:

      “”””””””” Heck, some young girls were too innocent, they didn’t even know what really happened. Some of them experienced it at a very young age. Some of them were traumatized, they would soon forget. I may have felt something like this when I was in elementary, but never did it became a bother because I soon forgot (not because I was traumatized or something, but just because it happened a long time ago, and a conversation with someone triggered the memory, and now l’m thinking about it).

      The childhood experience of such can cause one of the major problem which you clearly stated as TRAUMA.

      This child/sexual abuse can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

      There are various types of traumatic events that can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

      Sexual abuse is one of the type of trauma because of the shame it instills in the victim. With childhood sexual abuse, victims are often too young to know how to express what is happening and seek out help. When not properly treated, this can result in a lifetime of PTSD, depression and anxiety.

      I guess you have opened my knowledge about trauma after getting more information about it.

      For more information check the link:


      You childhood experience and others are noted and quite explained well in your comment.

      Your beautiful and highly touching words just made my day.

      Thank you so much for adding such magical drop of words in my jar of motivation and your views on this post.

      I feel blessed by your awesome comment right now.

      Keep the vibes on.

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the comment.
      I appreciate that very much. Taking your time to compose and comment.

      I feel blessed by your comment right now.

      I found delight love in what you just wrote. Am happy right now.

      A wonderful and interesting poem.

      The other part was that you didn’t answer the questions put after you in the post.

      The following questions was asked about the poem. I could like you to give me your own contribution/view on it.

      Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      We be happy if all the questions are answered according to your own views about the poem.

      Enjoy. Happy Thursday morning

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks also for reading and commenting here.

      Some questions put to you here where not answered.
      I will like you to share your opinion on it.

      My question for my fellow bloggers/viewers/readers:
      1. What’s your opinion and contributions on this post/poem?
      2. What are the things your mother have done that are worthy of appreciation?
      3.What are your advice to young women/mothers  in the outside world?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      You are welcome Mrs Anna

      Peace ✌and Love ❤


    • Thanks for the comment.
      I appreciate that very much. Taking your time to compose and comment.

      I feel blessed by your comment right now.

      I found delight love in what you just wrote. Am happy right now.

      A wonderful and interesting poem.

      The other part was that you didn’t answer the questions put after you in the post.

      The following questions was asked about the poem. I could like you to give me your own contribution/view on it.

      Here is a question for my fellow bloggers and readers:

      1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

      2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

      3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

      Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

      We be happy if all the questions are answered according to your own views about the poem.

      Enjoy. Happy Tuesday evening

      Peace ✌and Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people

        • Thanks for taking your precious the to comment on my post/poem.

          Am happy you answered some questions put after you. That is very good of you.

          I so much appreciate that.

          Thanks for giving me a chance to talk to you. Am please now I have someone who have my same idea and agree with me.

          Thanks for this last words-

          “”””” I can relate to this poem and thank you for celebrating motherhood and womanhood in written words💙 “””””

          It touched me and made smile.

          One more time, thanks🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

          You are welcome Mrs/Miss Laura

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 1 person

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