Everything seems to interact in order for them to live with satisfaction, and in this way we create unintentional relationships that may lead to intimate companionship.

Likewise, friendship would mean so special to both of you, may all of a sudden turn to nothing and back to strangers again.

It is really true that when friendships are shattered, it is hard to return it back to what it had been before. Things can be patched up but the friendship will never return the same.

Friendship is one of the main things that makes life worthwhile. When you have a friend to confide in, suffering seems more bearable and pleasures are more intense.

When a friendship is shattered , whether or not it is for the best, there is a degree of pain and mourning that an individual goes through in his mind. There were things that you may have done only with that person and you feel a void/empty in your life. Take some time to let yourself mourn before moving on.

Time doesn’t heal anything, for it only teaches us how to live with the pain.

There are things that you must keep in within your self and things that must be forgotten forever.

Somehow, time passes by, and we learn to move on”.

Moving on requires two powerful things:


People will break up for a number of reasons. Sometimes the signs of an impending breakup will be easy to spot. For example, you might fight a lot or someone might’ve cheated. In other cases, one partner might just decide they’re no longer happy and will end it out of nowhere. Although so many factors go into whether a relationship ends or not, therapists say there are a few surprising things that lead to a breakup that you should look out for.

From much reading and analysis. I was able to bring out 6 major causes of shattered friendship/relationship:

1. Cheating

2. Lying

3. Not communicating.

4. Competition With Each Other

5. You Stop Fighting

6. Religious views

1. Cheating –

So you have broken the most sacred of vows (if you are married) and, married or not, probably broken the heart of your significant other, along with his or her trust. That’s really a hard thing to rebuild, but it can be done. The trick is to avoid this pitfall in the first place. Give up even the idea of sex with other people completely, and your mate will become far more attractive.

2. Lying –

Really, why? So you don’t look bad or have to admit to doing something your other half doesn’t approve of? Look, it only becomes worse if you lie about it. Give up dishonesty, and your relationship can change very quickly. Keep at it, and your mate will lose all trust in you and your partnership.

3.Not communicating together –

In  a relationship, silence is never golden. The more you talk, the better you will feel. Communication is the single most important thing in a relationship, bar none. If you do not have good communication, you cannot have a good relationship, plain and simple. So sit down over a cup of coffee and use your words. You’ll get a lot more out of it than you think.

4. Competition With Each Other –

Couples who can’t say sorry or take responsibility for their actions when they’ve done something wrong will almost always end up breaking up, experts say. “Feeling genuinely sorry for something you’ve done and being willing to say so, is an excellent predictor of whether or not a relationship will last. If you’re unable to say sorry, you instead might become defensive, which can then lead you and your partner to be on opposite sides of the playing field. When this happens, partners end up becoming competitors instead of teammates. “You end up in a game, a competition, or worst case scenario a war over who’s right. “The relationship gets totally sidelined by both partners who are now vying for the win.”

5. Fighting – 

As we all know, fighting a ton over the same things isn’t good. But if you stop fighting altogether it will be of a great help.

Often times the use and increase of the silent treatment is present when a partner is considering leaving a relationship. They stop caring as much which also causes them to not share as much.

6. Religious views-

 Sometimes religion make a crucial issue of Break Up, when a boy or girl starts getting to know his girlfriend or boyfriend is from different religion or he / she does not have any mandatory religion beliefs, for which he or she does not want to deal with or believe in him/her. In our society, where we have different religious and different views about religion, that’s why guardians/parents do not permit such kind of relationship.


He or she has a feeling of continuous frustration about the relationship. He or she is being physically and mentally abused. He or she is finding more reasons to spend time apart. He or she no longer has strong feelings about his girlfriend or her boyfriend. He or she has changed his or her core values, beliefs and goals to accommodate his or her hopes that will no longer be problematic in his or her relationship.

Surviving after breaking-up a relationship is tough. When someone breaks-up relationship with his or her boyfriend/girlfriend, he/she feels like trash and he/she is not in a good mood. All the time he/she becomes inactive in his or her activities. They keep crying all the time and feel that there is no meaning of life.

From much reading and analysis. I was able to bring out 6 major effect of shattered friendship/relationship

1. Pain

2. Depression

3. Insomnia

4. Suicidal attempt

5. Drug addiction

6. Loss of trust in future

1. pain –

The pain goes away slowly over a number of years, but the initial impact is high. It is the initial periods during which one has to gather all the energy and tolerate the pain and takes some worse step which affect  their life and career.

2. Depression –

After boy’s and girl’s break up,  relationship depression is a common effect on which they survive a long time. Depression feels like a burden  coming down over their lives. Many believe that they are dull and do not deserve anything. Others feel irritable all the time for no apparent reason. Another name of depression is loneliness. 

3. Insomnia –

Insomnia is a symptom of a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. In this circumstance all the time he/she thinks about his/her girlfriend/boyfriend and tries to find the reason why his/her girlfriend/boyfriend dump him and so on. 

4. Suicidal attempt –

It is a common type phenomena after breaking up a relationship. Suicides is the act of deliberately taking one’s own life. When he or she totally isolated, feel like life is meaning less or does not any benefit to survive without her, they belong on a frustration and thought her love is dead at that time they attend to do such kind of activity. 

5. Drug addiction – 

It is another kind of worse effect, which occurs for the breaking up relationship. At that time he/she tries to escape some physical or mental pain by taking drug. Drug addicts don’t become addicted with the intention to destroy their lives and to cause upset to those they love. Usually when he/she does not able to cope with some aspect of his/her reality and is introduced to drugs, he/she feels by having perhaps solved the problem itself.

6. Loss of trust in future – 

Another vital effect is loss of trust. After such kind of relation he/ she do not able to trust any more of another. She/he is used to think all boys/girls are the same. At their future relation they can’t able to trust her husband/his wife. As a result there is no more continuation of smooth relation.


Overcoming a relationship breakup may be a difficult task. It requires lots of courage and emotional strength. Overcoming a relationship breakup is a skillful way to start his or her life with new hopes. Relationship of a boyfriend and girlfriend may break due to several reasons. It is a stressful and unpleasant situation. Both may feel rejected and frustrated. As his or her loving and caring girlfriend or boyfriend is not with her or him, she or he may feel lonely and helpless. However, keep in mind that it is not the end of happiness in his or her life.

There are so many interesting things that a boy or a girl can enjoy after breaking up their relationship.

From much reading and analysis. I was able to bring out 6 major solutions or ways to Overcome a shattered friendship/ relationship;

1. Drain out emotion

2. Don’t frequently recall the pleasant or sad moments from the past

3. Both should keep each other busy

4. Lean on friends

5. Avoid sad triggers 

6. Change attitude

1. Drain out emotion –

Immediately after the breakup, a boy or girl needs to give some time to drain out his or her emotions.

During this period, he or she may cry, rave in his or her anger; grieve at the unfair treatment that he or she received from his or her parents. Let all painful emotions drain out of his or her mind.

2. Don’t frequently recall the pleasant or sad moments from the past – 

That boy and girl should avoid looking at the moment of his or her former relationship like photos, letters or gift items. They are not  supposed to blame one another for what had happened. That boy and girl should think about improving him or herself, which will be helpful for her or his future relationships. He or she ought to forget about the past and think about future. 

3. Both should keep each other busy –

That boy and girl should keep him or herself busy, that is the best way to overcome his or her grief. They should engage in their own work or social activities as well as get involved in his or her favorite hobby or still engage in exercises.

4. Lean on friends – 

Family members and friends are the backbone to support him or her in his or her toughest times. They can play a positive role in overcoming this stressful situation. That boy or girl can share his or her feelings and problems with them in order to get their support. Enjoy picnics and outings with them. He or she does not often talk about his or her past.

As much as possible, he or she in the process will forget the topics that cause his or her stress/break up. 

5. Avoid sad triggers – 

When relationship between a boyfriend and girlfriend is broken up they must try to avoid the things that remind him or her such as songs, movies or restaurants. During the first few days following a breakup, strictly avoid these sad triggers.

6. Change attitude-

That boy and girl need to change his or her attitude in order to overcome a relationship breakup. He or she should have positive approach towards his or her life. Don’t get frustrated for being rejected. Don’t take it as a total failure of life.He or she is supposed to try to change his or her lifestyle and take another chance. He or she will try to find the person who can bring positive changes in his or her life. Don’t get frustrated and disappointed due to a relationship breakup. He or she should mind it that it’s not the end of the world. Cheerful and hopeful future is still waiting for him or her. 

In summary,keeping a friendship/relationship mean a lot… little  advice  is that always cherish your friendship/relationship and let it be the best.

I will like to ask a simple question  for my fellow readers and viewers.

1. What is your own views and contributions on this articles?

2. What was you own experience  of a shattered relationship or friendship?

3. How did you come out of sure relationship?

Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

Written by:

Kogwuonye Patrick Onyeka


University of Benin


    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      What was you attitude when you had a shattered relationship?

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I believe in you comment above “”relationship or friendship both hurt when they break”””

      From you comment,i can guess may be you had a shattered relationship or friendship before. Sorry am saying it you OK.

      Again, a simple question. What do do when such thing occur? Do you move on or just sit and think about it?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying  back to me.

          Thanks again for reading this my comment to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

          Wow. Am OK with that. Moving on is very necessary in case of a shattered relationship or friendship.

          Was it easy for you to move?
          How did you surpass the pain of untrustworthy from her?

          I really enjoyed such reply as I type to you now.

          Peace and Love

          Liked by 1 person

  1. I am happy to say that till date I have experience of broken friendships. I have made all good friends in my 28 years of life journey. Yes there are some who communicate less because of the fast pace of their lives. But those are only matters of time. There are no broken pieces anywhere. 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      From you comment above I can see you have experience of broken relationships.

      How were you able to cope during the time of occurrence?

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      You been furious and taking it personal. Just your nice comment I needed.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sometimes learning to deal with the pain is the only thing one can do. When my children died, time taught me how to live without them, but it took a lot of time. But you’re right in that peace and love can put the joy back into our lives. Good post!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Friendship is something that can be shattered in a second due to one thing or the other and therefore we shouldn’t put all our heart into it…it will only hurt…to me…its trash!😂😂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Wow. Really.. You said trash.
      Like you do not have friends at all.

      May be you had a broken friendship which didn’t go well for you.

      Lastly i believe that statement that”””friendship is something that can be shattered in a second “””””

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I introduced a college friend to a childhood friend once. They had a falling out and I was forced to choose sides. I chose to stick with the older friend since the college friend created the falling out in the first place. I don’t really miss him. There was other issues that proved that to be wise choice.
    Sometimes, you want everyone to get along and other times God removes them for a reason.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I love the post.I think that some time relationships just like friendship simply fade away and then end.there is not a specific reason but many starting with the fact that we change and that’s ok in a way you have to accept it.some other times instead

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Thanks for loving the post. Change is I agree with that wonderful comment given by Miss ortensia

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the post.I think that some time relationships just like friendship simply fade away and then end.there is not a specific reason but many starting with the fact that we change and that’s ok in a way you have to accept it.some other times instead they end because they are broken from the other side and so are.that it hurts but it passes just not always without leaving deep scars

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I totally understand how you feel about it, from you comment above. “””but a very close friend has pulled back, significantly, owing to a difference in spiritual beliefs.””””

      From my own personal view Religious belief should not be a total reason for someone to stop a close friendship.
      Hope you understand me and please do not get me wrong OK.
      What am asking now is that are you OK “”” giving this person space”””
      I need you reply on that.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying  back to me.
          I really enjoyed such reply as I type to you now. Since you are doing well. That is good to know.

          What about your friend how is he doing since you left each other?
          Again was he comfortable with such decision?
          Thanks again for reading this my comment to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

          Peace and Love

          Liked by 1 person

            • Thanks for replying  back to me.

              I really enjoyed such reply as I type to you now.

              Wow. Mehnnn.. I know it was not easy for her to move on and you during the initial stage of the separation.

              Do you guys call or text each other Or does she invite you for celebration or anything else.

              Sorry am asking I know is just a personal thing.

              Thanks again for reading this my comment to the end.

              Peace and Love


  7. This hits close to home. I for the first time developed a friendship before a relationship. However, when our relationship ended also did our friendship. It’s a whole new kind of hurt, but yes mourning is necessary. Thank you for writing this! It shows me I am not the only one going through what we call life.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Wow. I guess you mourned during the initial stage.
      You welcome for saying how the post “”” hit close to home”””

      Can I ask a simple question how did you move on?
      What did you decide during your process of moving on?

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

      • I haven’t yet. Past ways aren’t what I would consider healthy. So, at the moment I am staying afloat trying to convince myself that this is the right decision even though it feels so wrong physically.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying  back to me.

          Thanks again for reading this my replied comment to the end.

          I agree going back to it is totally unhealthy for you.
          Please ,forgive me for asking you. OK

          I really like such reply as I type to you now.

          Peace and Love

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Patrick – I have found that friendships and relationships of all kinds ebb and flow like the ocean. Sometimes a person is in your life for a moment, sometimes a season, and sometimes a lifetime. I think it is important to recognize what type of friendship/relationship it is and learn and grow from it. This was a good post. Thought provoking. -Jill

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I kind of like you introduction here, very inspiring as I quote “”Patrick – I have found that friendships and relationships of all kinds ebb and flow like the ocean.””””

      I totally agree to this statement base on my little knowledge about life now “””Sometimes a person is in your life for a moment, sometimes a season, and sometimes a lifetime.””””

      Every friendship has a time,moment and season depending on both party.

      Now I know you reading my mind right now when you said this “””” I think it is important to recognize what type of friendship/relationship it is and learn and grow from it.””””

      Recognizing a relationship/friendship matters in life,may lead you to good things or bad things of life.

      Thank you for saying this to me”””This was a good post.””””

      Really “””Thought provoking”””
      Sound funny lol………

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      It shows how you read this post to the end. For you to pick out sure phrase””“When you have a friend to confide in, suffering seems more bearable and pleasures are more intense.” – this line❤””””, i really love that very much.

      I totally agree with it, less suffering and more pleasure when you have a friend to confide in.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.


      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  9. One of the many painful experiences in the human life. I recently had an experience like this where I have needed to let go of a friendship because I became a last resort/last option in my friends life. I was no longer her choice to go do things with because she replaced me with someone else. The hard part is that we are still “friends”, she doesn’t see absolutely anything wrong, nor does she seem to notice the long periods of time that we don’t talk anymore. And when she (rarely) asks me to come along with her it’s only to tag along with her and “the friend”. We still see each other because our daughters are friends but it isn’t as it was. And it will never be that way again. This is a very relevant and relate-able post, thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Wow. What a long comment on this post.
      I find your comment very interesting.

      I really enjoyed such comment from the beginning as you stated””” I recently had an experience like this where I have needed to let go of a friendship because I became a last resort/last option in my friends life.”””

      “Last option” -She just let you be. I guess you were like a bundle to her.

      When we were young we like doing child play and stuff together. School and new friend changed most of our attitudes.

      Checking it very well, as you advance in age, you frienship grown thinner depending on some factors like marriage, distance and work/career.

      Am happy for this statement you just said now “”We still see each other because our daughters are friends but it isn’t as it was.”””

      I just thought and I am in total agreement with this one “”And it will never be that way again.”””

      I have such an experience also.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      My last question is :what was your reaction when you notice you guys where gonna end up in such ways?

      Are you happy with it -yes or no

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

      • I was heartbroken. It was a relationship that I worked really hard to keep. No I’m not happy how everything worked out. we were best friends and we did everything together and knowing I wasn’t as important hurts. I was so happy she met another friend, but I didn’t realize I’d be slowly but surely pushed out.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Mine happened when I realized the trust was betrayed. I would never lose my respect for the person but I realized I could never be the same. Sad to say it, but I cut them out of my life.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Cutting them off was like your last option.
      From the comment above.

      Were you able to move on that period?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying  back to me.

          I guess you find my comment interesting.

          Wow.. This what i enjoyed most “”Life is too precious to remain stuck on these isn’t it! 🙂”””

          That was a good decision taken by you.
          Love that.

          I really enjoyed such reply as I type to you now.

          Peace and Love

          Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m struggling to get over a romantic relationship I ended and wondering if I should suggest that we try again (if he’s still interested), or just let it go, or be friends. It’s been 6 months and I’m still grieving the intimacy we shared and wondering if I was too picky. I’m going to try and just let it be without “pushing the river” and see what happens. Very hard. I want to cling.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      I love this first part of the comment as I state””” I’m struggling to get over a romantic relationship I ended and wondering if I should suggest that we try again (if he’s still interested), or just let it go, or be friends.””””

      From your introduction, I feel for you very well and I think you have a strong feelings for him again.

      Here is a little tip of advice-You can still make it work out if you still have that feelings for him again. OK.

      This second statement shows both of you have alot in sharing. Wow. Simple again, just amend things. It will be better since you have a strong feelings toward him.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love


  12. Friendships I hold close to my heart. Your post made me both happy and sad. Happy because I have a small hand full of very close friends for many years. Sad from losing two of my closest friends. One has passed away and the other I do not know where he is. I’ve searched to no avail. I should be happy for the time spent together. All of grammar school and all of high school.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      You comment are quite inspiring. I love that happy and sad story you just said here. I love them very much.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love


    • Thanks for commenting and reading the post to the end.

      During the period of 3 years: What were you doing about the shattered friendship you doing? Did you bear it?

      Love your short comment very inspiring.

      Peace and love

      Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying back and answering my question. I Patrick appreciate very much.

          I just have to say wow wow wow …. From your reply I can see you are truly saying what happened.

          Am just getting to imagine how it will be after 3 years of shattered friendship.

          After the 3 years, Who approach each other. You or her?

          Was it fun when you first reconcile?

          I really love to see you reply on this. OK Mrs baffle.

          Happy Weekend

          Peace and love

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      “”The word are true”” I love that statement very much.
      Have you been in such situations about shattered friendship?
      Love to see you reply on that.

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes I have, even up until recently! But I would always cherish my friendships; so very much – friends have been good to me, even though I’ve had almost extremely bad ones. Friendship isn’t one thing I could ever trade.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for replying  back to me.

          I guess you find my replies to your comment interesting.

          Am totally happy you replied back to me

          By this statement what “””I’ve had almost extremely bad ones.””

          Hmmmm, so you have some element of shattered friendship sometime again.

          Where you able to cope?

          I really enjoyed such post from you. Keep the vibes on Mrs horptie

          Peace ✌and Love ❤

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      Love to ask you one simple question.

      What is your idea about shattered friendship?

      Have you heard any shattered friendship

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, had those experience. I don’t mind giving second chances, sometimes third or fourth. But the degree of why the friendship becomes shattered will come in, if it’s too much then it might not be the same again. Also, sometimes the length of our friendship is also taken into consideration, if we’ve been together for the longest time, and been though hell and heaven, I might consider some compromises. And it depends, to the person, situation and whatnot.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

          Am so sorry you had such experience as I quote from you “””
          Yes, had those experience. I don’t mind giving second chances, sometimes third or fourth.”””

          For sure if the friendship was shattered base on trust and honesty, I guess you right with that comment “””But the degree of why the friendship becomes shattered will come in, if it’s too much then it might not be the same again.””””

          Most shattered friendship we see today beome worst because of trust and money.

          This is where I love in this comment, long friendship/relationship is also considered after checking it,you just have to accept it back.
          You comment here is inspiring to me as I speak to you base on your comment as I quote””””Also, sometimes the length of our friendship is also taken into consideration, if we’ve been together for the longest time, and been though hell and heaven, I might consider some compromises.””””

          After everything,it goes to individual difference , so I totally agree with this “””And it depends, to the person, situation and whatnot.”””””

          Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

          Peace and Love

          Liked by 1 person

  13. “Time doesn’t heal anything, for it only teaches us how to live with the pain.” True words. I have had friendships go sour before but the worst one was when a friend betrayed our friendship and trust about 3 years ago. It is despicable when you are over 40 and your friend behaves with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      The quotation you gave make me feel well also. “”Time doesn’t heal anything, for it only teaches us how to live with the pain.”””

      For me also, I have been betrayed by friends also,i agree with such quotation.
      I starting to imagine the feeling you will get when your friend betrayed you.

      What was your reaction that moment?
      Where you able to cope with it?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love


    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

      From you comment you said “”I believe every relationship has its time, and when its over, we move on with lessons learned.””

      For me when I had mine. Took me months to mourn over it. Was Painful.

      What are the lesson you can learn in a shattered friendship/relationship?

      Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

      Peace and Love


  14. I’ve experienced a lot of shattered friendship, but yeah, we just have to move on while hoping to find the right person to be with our side forever. Someone we can consider our best friend. Great post! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post,i appreciate that very much.

    I will love to ask you a simple question base on my post.

    Have you heard any shattered relationship?

    Thanks again for reading this post up to the end. I guess you find it interesting.

    Peace and Love

    Liked by 1 person

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    Editor: PATRICK

    You are welcome Mrs/Miss/Ms

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


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    Editor: PATRICK

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  31. Thanks for that.


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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  32. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much.

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  34. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much. Am please by your response on this writeup.

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  35. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much. Am please by your response on this writeup.

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  36. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much. Am please by your response on this writeup.

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  37. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much. Am please by your response on this writeup.

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  38. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much. Am please by your response on this writeup.

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    You are welcome

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  39. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much. Am please by your response on this writeup.

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    You are welcome Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Lynwood.

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  40. Thanks for that. I appreciate that very much. Am please by your response on this writeup.

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    You are welcome Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Jeana.

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


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  42. Thanks for that. I enjoyed your comment

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    You are welcome

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  43. Thanks for that. I appreciate your time use in commenting. Am please by it.

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    You are welcome

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  44. Thanks for that. I appreciate your time use in commenting. Am please by it.

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    1. What is your own views and contributions on this articles?

    2. What was you own experience  of a shattered relationship or friendship?

    3. How did you come out of sure relationship?

    You are welcome

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    Thanks for the information. I will check it out.

    I would love to know your more. Have been seeing your comment on my post.

    Don’t get offended by asking to connect with you. Love getting to know people who we share same ideology about writing and blogging.

    Am Patrick by name.

    Am amazed by your comment and contribution on the post in my site.

    Wish to be a friend to you.

    Am Patrick by name.

    Love to connect to you.
    Here are my contact.


    like my Facebook Page (patrickstories)

    follow me on instagram@ patrickstories

    Chat me up on whatsapp@ +2349038156756

    Editor: PATRICK

    You are welcome Mrs/Miss/Ms

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  45. Thanks you very much for this. Am happy you understand.

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    You are welcome

    Peace ✌and Love ❤


  46. Thanks you very much for this. Am happy you understand..

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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


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    Peace ✌and Love ❤


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